Down Under

Australian businessman Paul Terry bought "Genevieve" at auction in 1989
for 285,302 pounds and brought her to Australia.
On this page, some Australian-era (and Australian-related) Genevieve pictures.

Most images on this page are thumbnails - click for full-sized pictures


Spring officially came to the Gold Coast with a procession led by the Governor of Queensland, Sir Henry Abel Smith in the famous car, "Genevieve." The Mayor of Gold Coast, Alderman E. Harley, was the driver of the 1904 Darracq, star of the British film comedy, which is now the star of an auto museum at Coolangatta.

For the half-hour drive, carrying the Governor from Lennon's Broadbeach Hotel to Southport, "Genevieve" had the Union Jack fluttering proudly from her bonnet . In honor of the spring atmosphere, Sir Henry wore a bowler and a carnation button-hole, Alderman Harley sported a black astrakhan fur hat, and "Genevieve," her customary polish. The old-timer, best-known of all vintage cars, roused a storm of protest in England when she was sold to an Australian buyer .

Kindly submitted by Allan John Parker.

The Genevieve 500 Rally ran from Perth to the southern coastal town of Albany in November 1992.

More Information on Genevieve in Australia

In the passenger's seat: Susannah Carr from TVW Channel 7 in Perth
(Note the Spyker in the background!)
Courtesy John McLean and Allan John Parker

The OTHER London-to-Brighton
Pam Archer recounts her well-timed
visit to Adelaide

On Sunday. the 27th October 2002, Maurice and I were at the London to Brighton rally.

However it wasn't London to Brighton UK... but the London-to-Brighton held near Adelaide, Australia!

There are lots of suburbs around Adelaide which bear English and other names, including one area called London... and another called Brighton.

We were staying with friends in Brighton, and while there we traveled around South Australia, including the outback, and also into New South Wales via Singapore en route and Hong Kong on return.

We got back yesterday. And we went to the London to Brighton!

Of course, our only real interest is Genevieve, but we do like to see the "old crocks;" I'd heard that this was happening before we went, and then found out a bit more when we got there.

Our traveling companions couldn't understand it - "you can see old crocks anywhere........." but I was quite keen under the circumstances - that we were there at the right time, and what's more, within a half hour drive from the start. So we took no notice of them and off we went, and we loved it! 

The little Adelaide London - Brighton started in London, with the local Mayor dressed up as the "Mayor of London," with about forty cars of various ages up to about 1912.

The event followed a set route, with a stop on the way, until it reached Brighton, where the cars were welcomed by another Mayor, as the "Mayor of Brighton."

They have another major event not very far away at Birdwood, which we missed by a couple of weeks - and it's only held every other year.

Apparently 1,500 cars entered that one this year. The lady we were talking to was telling us about one event where participants had to complete silly tasks at each stop; one task was to "stuff" a plastic chicken within a certain time, and she told us that two English people turned up there and were given the task, and completed it before anyone realised that they were bushwalkers and had nothing to do with the rally!

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