For the record, the film
"Genevieve" was shot in 1952 and released in 1953.
And for the record, the Veteran Car
Club of Great Britain states that cars constructed up until December 31st, 1904
are "Veteran Cars."
"Vintage Cars" are cars
constructed from then end of World War I until the end of 1930.Only "Veteran Cars" may take
part in the annual London to Brighton run.
So the question of "dating" Genevieve...
is she is a 1904 or a 1905 model?... is fraught with import.
To make a long answer short: all dating
authorities now agree that Genevieve is a 1904 model.
The History
of Sunbeam Web Site states: "One Darracq, known as Genevieve,
became the world's most famous veteran car when she starred in the film of
the same name. To be precise, Genevieve was actually two Darracqs, having
been built from the remains of two cars." The site suggests that the restored Genevieve was
created from parts from a 1904 Darracq and a 1905 model.
A persistent rumor running
throughout Genevieve lore is that the car was at one time professionally
"dated" as a 1905 model and thus was not eligible to take part in the
London-Brighton. At left is the 1991 certificate from the Veteran Car Club of
Australia dating Genevieve as a 1904, noting the presence of a 1905 radiator. |
According to noted automobile historian David Burgess-Wise, who catalogued
Genevieve for Brooks auctioneers in the early 1990's, Genevieve has
never been re-dated 1905.
David's definitive
history of the vehicle appeared in the October 2000 issue of "Aston" (the
magazine of the Aston Martin Heritage Trust). The Trust has graciously
allowed permission for that article to be electronically reprinted
here. David also
writes: "Oddly enough, her current body came from a farm about ten minutes
from here in rural Essex. Now she is owned by the Dutch National Motor
Museum (Het Nationaal Automobielmuseum, Steurweg 8, 4911 VR Raamsdonksveer,
Holland). The Spyker (Kenneth More's car in the film) belongs to another
Dutch Museum, the Autotron Rosmalen, and was re-dated to 1905 soon
after the film was released (it was very obviously wrongly dated in the
first place). In 1998 both cars ran together in the London-Brighton Run,
the organisers having been persuaded by my friend Tim Moore to make a
special dispensation for the Spyker." |